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The Fifth Women’s Conference (Resistance for Change) in Tubas

The Fifth Women’s Conference was organized to celebrate International Women’s Day and honor Palestinian women, focusing on their role in Nonviolence action.

International Women Day
Palestinian Women

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Project Financing

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Achieving Achievements



The Fifth Women’s Conference (Resistance for Change) was organized by the Freedom and Justice Center in collaboration with the "Save the Jordan Valley" campaign. The event took place in Al-Makhoul, within the Tubas Governorate, and was funded by several organizations, including the Australian foundation Action Aid, the French organization MAN, and the Rhône-Alpes region. This conference was held to celebrate International Women’s Day and to honor the Palestinian women who have played an essential role in the Nonviolence action. The event aimed to shed light on the struggles women face in Palestine, particularly in countryside areas, and highlight their contributions to the broader resistance against the Israeli policy of racial segregation.


The speeches and discussions during the event focused on several core issues, such as the role of women in the Nonviolence action and the challenges they continue to face in their everyday lives, particularly in villages under policy of racial segregation, like Samra, which lies near the conference location. The speakers underscored the resilience of Palestinian women and the necessity for continued support and solidarity. The conference brought together a diverse group of approximately 200 participants from various Palestinian towns, including Hebron, Beit Ummar, Dura, Ramallah, Nablus, Jericho, and many more. This broad participation included representatives from the General Union of Palestinian Women, the Palestinian Youth Association, EAPPI, and other key organizations. There was also a notable international presence, with over 50 foreign volunteers from different regions, highlighting the global solidarity with Palestinian women’s struggles.


One of the key focuses of the conference was identifying practical solutions to the challenges faced by Palestinian women in resisting the policy of racial segregation. The workshop titled "The Role of Women in Popular Nonviolence action " was a significant part of this, as it explored both historical and current forms of Nonviolence action, emphasizing how women have been at the forefront of these movements. During the workshop, speakers discussed the history behind International Women’s Day and how it relates to the broader global struggle for women's rights and social justice. They also explored how women in Palestine could engage in non-violent forms , such as boycotting Israeli products. The call for a unified women-led committee to resist settlement expansion and advocate for social and economic rights was one of the prominent solutions proposed during the conference.


The conference included a variety of activities designed to engage participants and create deeper discussions on critical issues facing Palestinian women today. These activities were highly interactive and aimed at promoting both awareness and collective action.

  1. Workshop on Women’s Role in Popular Nonviolence action: Led by women activists, this workshop explored the historical struggles of Palestinian women, focusing on their contributions to the Nonviolence action movement. Speakers shared powerful examples of how women have resisted policy of racial segregation forces throughout history. These discussions served as a reminder of the long-standing role that women have played in fighting for the freedom and dignity of their people.
  2. Open Discussion: Participants engaged in an open dialogue about the future of the Palestinian Nonviolence action movement, especially the role women should play. This discussion centered around the need for a clear strategy for boycotting Israeli products and highlighted how important it is to support locally made Palestinian goods. A key question that emerged during the session was how to create a national strategy that prioritizes the well-being of Palestinian women while simultaneously advancing the cause of Nonviolence action.
  3. Theatrical Performance by Ashtar Theatre: One of the most engaging activities during the event was a theatrical performance by the renowned Ashtar Theatre group. The play, titled "The Shepherd and the Echo," was designed to provoke critical thinking and foster participation from the audience. It incorporated three major themes: the boycott of Israeli products, water access in Palestinian territories, and the issue of house demolitions in Area C, which is under full Israeli control.
    The performance was interactive, encouraging the audience, especially the women, to actively engage in the narrative and express their opinions. Many women from the audience took part in the performance, contributing to a dynamic exchange of ideas. The goal of this activity was to bring these pressing issues to life and to make the audience feel personally invested in finding solutions.
  4. Exhibition and Bazaar: Following the theatrical performance, the conference featured a photo exhibition and bazaar showcasing local Palestinian products. The exhibition focused on the challenges faced by Palestinian women in various parts of the West Bank, using powerful images to tell their stories of resilience and Nonviolence action. The bazaar allowed participants to purchase locally made goods, further emphasizing the importance of supporting the Palestinian economy as a form of Nonviolence action. This activity reinforced the conference’s message of economic empowerment and self-reliance.

Achieved Outcomes

The conference achieved several notable outcomes, both in terms of raising awareness and fostering action:

  1. Formation of a Women-Led Committee: A key outcome was the recommendation to form a non-political, women-led committee dedicated to peaceful Nonviolence action against settlement expansion. This committee would be made up of women activists from various parts of Palestine, uniting their efforts in a common cause.
  2. Empowerment and Awareness: The event succeeded in raising awareness of the critical role that women play in resisting the policy of racial segregation, both historically and in the present day. It also empowered participants by providing them with practical tools and strategies for continuing their Nonviolence action, particularly through the boycott movement.
  3. International Support: The presence of over 50 international volunteers underscored the global support for Palestinian women and their struggles. This international solidarity is crucial in amplifying the voices of Palestinian women on a global stage.

Social Impact

The social impact of the conference was significant, particularly in terms of strengthening the bonds between Palestinian women from various regions. The event fostered a sense of solidarity and unity, encouraging women to support one another in their shared struggle against the policy of racial segregation and injustice. It also provided a platform for women to express their concerns, share their experiences, and advocate for their rights. Additionally, the conference helped to raise awareness about the specific challenges faced by women in rural areas, such as limited access to resources, restricted mobility, and the constant threat of settlement expansion. By bringing these issues to light, the event aimed to mobilize greater support for these women and their communities.

Economic Impact

The social impact of the conference was significant, particularly in terms of strengthening the bonds between Palestinian women from various regions. The event fostered a sense of solidarity and unity, encouraging women to support one another in their shared struggle against the policy of racial segregation and injustice. It also provided a platform for women to express their concerns, share their experiences, and advocate for their rights. Additionally, the conference helped to raise awareness about the specific challenges faced by women in rural areas, such as limited access to resources, restricted mobility, and the constant threat of settlement expansion. By bringing these issues to light, the event aimed to mobilize greater support for these women and their communities.


The Fifth Women’s Conference was a resounding success in its mission to celebrate the resilience and strength of Palestinian women while addressing the challenges they face. Through a combination of workshops, discussions, performances, and exhibitions, the event provided participants with the tools and inspiration needed to continue their resistance against the policy of racial segregation. The emphasis on solidarity, economic empowerment, and non-violent Nonviolence action highlighted the crucial role that women play in driving change and ensuring the future of Palestine. The conference concluded with a renewed sense of purpose and a collective commitment to furthering the cause of Nonviolence action through practical actions, such as forming women-led committees and supporting local products. In doing so, it reinforced the central message that the liberation of Palestine cannot be achieved without the active participation and empowerment of its women.


Conference Held Successfully

The Fifth Women’s Conference was held in Al-Makhoul, Tubas Governorate, celebrating International Women’s Day and Palestinian women’s roles in resistance through non-violence.
