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Olive Harvest Support Initiative

The initiative supported local farmers during the olive harvest by providing international protection and fostering solidarity to mitigate risks and raise awareness.

Palestine Solidarity Project
Spanish Solidarity Group
International Solidarity Movement (ISM)

Project Planning

Project Financing

Starting Work

Achieving Achievements



The Olive Harvest Support Initiative was a significant effort take on October 24th, 2016, by the Palestine Solidarity Project in collaboration with the Colonization and Apartheid Wall Resistance Commission. The initiative took place in Aldier Village, located in the northern part of Hebron. This action involved a diverse group of participants, including a dedicated Spanish solidarity group and members of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). The primary objective of this initiative was to offer protection and support to Palestinian farmers during the olive harvest, a crucial time of year for the local economy and social life. This initiative focused on ensuring the safety and support of the farmers while raising international awareness about the challenges they face due to restricted access to their lands.


The olive harvest occurred near one of the most contentious areas in the West Bank, adjacent to the apartheid wall and just 300 meters from the green line. This location holds both strategic and symbolic importance For years, local farmers have faced significant challenges, including harassment, violence, and restricted access to their lands and concerns about safety. These challenges threaten the safety of the farmers and also their livelihood, as the olive harvest is a vital source of income. By conducting the harvest at this location, the initiative aimed to highlight these issues and demonstrate international solidarity with Palestinian farmers who are continuously struggles during their crops harvest.


The initiative provided a double layered solution to the challenges faced by local farmers. First, the presence of international participants, including solidarity groups, helped to reduce the likelihood of disruptions. International volunteers are often seen as a form of protection, as their involvement can reduce the likelihood of violent incidents due to the potential for international scrutiny. Secondly, the project fostered deeper connections and mutual understanding between Palestinians and international participants. These interactions enriched the experiences of both groups, allowing for the exchange of stories, culture, and perspectives, which in turn helped to strengthen global awareness of the struggles of Palestinian communities.


The activities carried out during the Olive Harvest Support Initiative were diverse and crucial to the project's overall success. At the core was the physical act of harvesting olives alongside local farmers. The international participants worked together with the Palestinian farmers to collect olives, a symbolic and significant act in Palestinian culture. The involvement of international volunteers provided a sense of protection for the farmers, helping reduce fears related to external disruptions. The volunteers offered physical labor, emotional and moral support, reinforcing a sense of solidarity and support for land preservation.

Beyond the harvest itself, participants engaged in unity actions aimed at raising awareness about the struggles faced by Palestinian farmers. These actions included documenting the situation, sharing stories on social media, and speaking with international media outlets to draw attention to the difficulty that the farmers face. Additionally, the volunteers often acted as witnesses, recording any incidents of harassment or violence to hold the aggressors accountable. By doing so, they contributed to a safer and more secure environment for the local community.

Another critical aspect of the activities was the fostering of cross-cultural dialogue, the international participants and local farmers engaged in meaningful conversations. These exchanges helped both groups understand each other's struggles and perspectives, leading to stronger bonds of solidarity. The cultural exchange element of these activities cannot be underestimated, as it allowed for the building of relationships that extended beyond the immediate context of the olive harvest.


Achieved Outcomes

The Olive Harvest Support Initiative achieved several key outcomes. The primary achievement was ensuring a safer environment for the local farmers, allowing them to harvest their olives without fear of harassment or violence. This helped preserve their livelihoods and sustain the local economy. Additionally, the initiative successfully raised international awareness about the challenges faced by Palestinian farmers living near the apartheid wall, encouraging global solidarity with the Palestinian cause. The interactions between local farmers and international volunteers also created lasting relationships, fostering ongoing support for future initiatives.

Social Impact

The initiative's social impact was great, as it brought together people from different backgrounds and cultures for a shared cause. By connecting local Palestinians with international volunteers, the project promoted mutual understanding and empathy. The volunteers returned to their home countries with firsthand knowledge of the situation, which they shared within their communities, further amplifying the cause of Palestinian solidarity. This cross-cultural engagement played a crucial role in breaking down stereotypes and building a network of support for Palestinian communities worldwide.

Economic Impact

Although the primary focus of the initiative was on protection and solidarity, there were indirect economic benefits as well. By ensuring a safer harvest, the initiative helped safeguard the farmers' income, which is heavily dependent on the olive harvest season. Without the presence of international participants, many farmers might have been unable to harvest their crops due to fear of violence or intimidation. Therefore, the initiative indirectly contributed to the economic stability of the farmers and their families.


In conclusion, the Olive Harvest Support Initiative was a vital project that addressed both the immediate needs of local farmers and the broader issue of international solidarity. By providing protection and fostering meaningful connections between Palestinian communities and international volunteers, the initiative played a critical role in supporting Palestinian farmers during the olive harvest. It also raised global awareness of the ongoing challenges they face, encouraging further international engagement and solidarity. This initiative stands as a powerful example of how local actions, supported by global participation, can lead to tangible social and economic benefits for affected communities.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • What was the purpose of the Olive Harvest Support Initiative?

    To support local farmers during the olive harvest and foster international solidarity.