Beta Launch - Content Under Update

School Bags Distribution

The project provided school bags and supplies to students in vulnerable areas of the West Bank and Gaza, easing the financial burden on families and promoting education.

School Supplies
Vulnerable Areas
West Bank

Project Planning

Project Financing

Starting Work

Achieving Achievements



The School Bags Distribution Project was initiated with the goal of addressing the educational needs of children in some of the most vulnerable and politically affected areas of the West Bank and Gaza. The political unrest in these regions has led to economic challenges that make it difficult for families to afford basic school materials. By providing school bags and essential supplies, the project aimed to ease some of the financial burden on these families while promoting education as a fundamental right for every child.


In many areas of the West Bank and Gaza, families are struggling with severe economic hardship due to the prolonged political instability. This situation leaves parents unable to provide even the most basic school supplies, such as backpacks, notebooks, and writing tools, which are essential for their children’s education. Without these materials, students often feel excluded, discouraged, and unable to participate fully in their studies. The School Bags Distribution Project was designed as a response to this dire need, focusing on ensuring that every child has the tools required to pursue an education in dignity.


The project applied a complete approach to distributing school supplies to those most in need. Working with a carefully selected committee of educators and community members from the Center for Freedom and Justice (CFJ), the project ensured that the distribution process was fair and transparent. This committee was tasked with identifying the most disadvantaged students from schools in areas heavily affected by the ongoing conflict. Through this targeted approach, the project successfully reached those who were most in need, ensuring that they received school bags filled with essential educational materials.


A key part of the School Bags Distribution Project was the planning and execution of activities aimed at reaching the target groups in a meaningful and efficient way. These activities included:

  1. Needs Assessment and School Selection: The project began with an assessment to identify the schools and students in the most vulnerable areas. Schools like Zahrat Al Mada'en Elementary Girls School and Jala Primary School, as well as institutions such as the Association for the Care of People with Disabilities, were chosen based on the urgent needs of their student populations.
  2. Formation of the Distribution Committee: A dedicated committee was formed, comprised of educators from the selected schools and CFJ representatives. This committee played a vital role in overseeing the distribution process, ensuring transparency and fairness. The committee members were responsible for identifying the students who would benefit most from the supplies.
  3. Distribution of School Bags and Supplies: The core of the project was the distribution of school bags filled with essential school supplies. This activity was carried out in a structured manner, with the committee ensuring that the distribution process was conducted smoothly. Each student received a backpack containing notebooks, pens, pencils, rulers, and other basic materials necessary for school. The distribution took place in a way that maintained the dignity of the recipients, fostering a sense of inclusion and support for their educational journey.
  4. Community Engagement Programs: In addition to the distribution of supplies, the project included community events aimed at fostering a sense of belonging and support for the students and their families. One such event was a Christmas program organized by the House of Prayer & Healing. This event provided a cheerful environment for the children and also included a message of hope and encouragement from Pastor Maron Raheb. CFJ representative Mousa Maria gave a speech highlighting the ongoing efforts of the organization in supporting education and community development in Beit Ummar and Hebron. These activities helped to further strengthen the community's connection to the project and underscored CFJ's commitment to uplifting the entire region.
  5. Monitoring and Feedback: Following the distribution, the project team conducted follow-ups with the schools to monitor the impact of the supplies on the students' engagement and participation in their studies. The feedback from teachers and community members was overwhelmingly positive, with many noting that the students’ morale and confidence had visibly improved after receiving the school bags.

Achieved Outcomes

The project met its objective of providing school bags and supplies to students in the West Bank and Gaza. It directly benefited hundreds of children who now have the basic tools necessary for their education. This, in turn, reduced the financial pressure on families who were already struggling to meet basic needs. By offering a simple and essential resource, the project had a meaningful impact on the students' ability to attend school and participate fully in their education.

Social Impact

The social impact of the School Bags Distribution Project cannot be understated. For many students, receiving a school bag filled with supplies was a practical support, also a symbol of care and investment in their future. The project enhanced the dignity and morale of students, enabling them to attend school without feeling different or disadvantaged compared to their peers. This boost in confidence and inclusion helped to strengthen their commitment to education and their hope for a better future.

Economic Impact

Although the project's primary focus was educational and social, there were indirect economic benefits as well. By providing school supplies free of charge, the project eased some of the financial burden on struggling families. This allowed parents to allocate their limited resources toward other essential needs such as food, healthcare, and housing. While not a direct economic intervention, the project contributed to the overall well-being of families by removing a financial strain associated with education.


The School Bags Distribution Project successfully addressed an urgent need within the West Bank and Gaza, providing students with the essential tools required for their education. The project’s impact extended beyond the immediate distribution of supplies, fostering a sense of hope and support among the community. CFJ’s commitment to educational empowerment continues, and the organization looks forward to implementing future initiatives that further contribute to the social and educational development of the region. Through collaborative efforts and ongoing community engagement, CFJ is helping to build a brighter future for students in vulnerable areas.


Project Completion Report

A report was published detailing the success of the School Bags Distribution Project in providing essential supplies to students in vulnerable areas of the West Bank and Gaza.