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West Bank Food Aid 2023

Distribution of 50 food parcels to poor families in the West Bank during the ongoing war, each parcel sustaining a family of five for three weeks.

War relief
Food aid
Humanitarian assistance

Project Planning

Project Financing

Starting Work

Achieving Achievements



The ongoing conflict in the West Bank has intensified significantly, leading to a widespread humanitarian crisis. Collective punishment by the occupying forces has resulted in the isolation of towns and villages, effectively cutting off access to essential services. As military checkpoints multiply, civilians find it increasingly difficult to travel to hospitals, schools, and workplaces. Many are forced to navigate long, unpaved roads that take hours, further straining their already limited resources. In addition to the mobility restrictions, there is a growing shortage of essential supplies such as food and medicine. Prices for these goods have surged, making them inaccessible to large segments of the population. As a result, the daily struggle to survive has become a harsh reality for many families.


The increasing of checkpoints and military blockades has dramatically altered daily life in the West Bank. Families are no longer able to travel freely between cities, creating a situation where basic needs, like food and medicine, are in short supply. Essential services, such as hospitals and schools, are difficult to reach, forcing many people to go without necessary medical care or education. Compounding these challenges is the fact that prices for essential goods have skyrocketed, placing a disproportionate burden on the poorest and most vulnerable families. Those living in remote or rural areas are particularly hard-hit, as they are even more isolated from main supply routes and relief centers. The combination of these factors has created an environment of extreme scarcity, where basic survival becomes a daily challenge.


To address the worsening crisis, the Center for Freedom and Justice, in collaboration with partners from Norway and Colorado, launched a series of emergency relief efforts. These campaigns aimed to ease the immediate suffering of the most vulnerable by providing critical food aid. The initiative focused on the procurement of seven basic food items that were deemed essential for family sustenance during the crisis. A total of 50 food parcels were assembled, each designed to provide for a family of five for a three-week period. This effort was about delivering food, also about maintaining the dignity of those receiving aid, ensuring that the distribution process was handled efficiently and with respect.


The activities carried out during this project were at the core of its success. The process began with the identification of the most vulnerable families, focusing on those living in the poorest areas and those most affected by the war. Once the target families were identified, the next step was to gather the essential foodstuffs. These items, which included seven key types of food, were carefully selected based on their nutritional value and ability to sustain a family for an extended period. Items such as flour, rice, beans, cooking oil, and canned goods were among the main components of the parcels.

The food parcels were then assembled in a central location with the help of local volunteers. This was a highly collaborative effort, where community members came together to pack the parcels. The process of assembly was both efficient and meaningful, as it gave people the chance to contribute directly to the well-being of their neighbors and relatives. Volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure that each parcel was packed correctly and contained all the necessary items.

Once assembled, the parcels were distributed to the identified families. The distribution itself was a highly coordinated effort, with teams of volunteers delivering the parcels directly to the homes of those in need. In many cases, this meant navigating difficult territory and passing through military checkpoints, further highlighting the challenges faced by the people of the West Bank. Despite these difficulties, the volunteers were able to ensure that all 50 food parcels reached their intended recipients. This community-driven approach facilitated the delivery of aid, also strengthened the bonds between families, as they worked together to support one another during the crisis.


Achieved Outcomes

The successful distribution of 50 food parcels had an immediate and profound impact on the families who received them. Each parcel was able to sustain a family of five for three weeks, providing much-needed relief during a period of extreme scarcity. The project ensured that these families had access to the basic products necessary for their survival. Moreover, the active participation of community members in both the assembly and distribution of the parcels fostered a sense of solidarity and cooperation within the community. This was especially important during a time when many families felt isolated and disconnected due to the ongoing conflict.

Social Impact

The social impact of this project was significant. By addressing the immediate food needs of the most vulnerable families, the project helped to alleviate some of the psychological stress associated with the war. Families who received the parcels were able to focus on other essential tasks, such as caring for children and maintaining their homes, without the constant worry of where their next meal would come from. Additionally, the community-driven nature of the project helped to strengthen local networks of support. People were reminded that they were not alone in their struggles and that their neighbors and international partners were there to help.

Economic Impact

Economically, the project provided crucial relief to families who were struggling with the sharp increase in prices for basic goods. By receiving food parcels, these families were able to save money that would otherwise have been spent on expensive supplies. This eased the financial burden on individual households, and also helped to stabilize the local economy by reducing the demand for overpriced goods. In the broader context, the project contributed to mitigating the economic pressures that come with prolonged conflict, offering a temporary but meaningful respite to those affected.


The Emergency Food Parcels Distribution project stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and community resilience in times of crisis. The partnership between the Center for Freedom and Justice and its international supporters played a crucial role in ensuring that vital food aid reached those who needed it most. By working together, local volunteers and international partners were able to bring tangible relief to families suffering from the effects of war. The success of this initiative highlights the importance of humanitarian aid during conflicts and also underscores the strength of the human spirit in overcoming adversity.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • What items were included in the food parcels?

    The parcels included seven types of basic foodstuffs designed to sustain a family of five for three weeks.

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