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Ramadan Aid 2021: Food Parcels

The Ramadan 2021 project distributed 250 food parcels to families in need, alleviating suffering in areas with limited access to basic services.

Food Aid
Poverty Alleviation
Humanitarian Assistance

Project Planning

Project Financing

Starting Work

Achieving Achievements



The Ramadan Project was a collaborative initiative spearheaded by the Center for Freedom and Justice (CFJ) in partnership with the LIFE Foundation, aimed at providing immediate relief to poor families during the holy month of Ramadan. Understanding the significance of Ramadan as a time for giving, compassion, and community support, the project sought to tackle the urgent food security challenges that affect families living in extreme poverty. These parcels were designed to meet the nutritional needs of families, ensuring they could prepare wholesome meals during a month that emphasizes family gatherings and communal sharing. The distribution targeted the most vulnerable households, prioritizing those with limited access to resources due to economic hardships exacerbated by ongoing political instability. By alleviating immediate food needs, the project provided tangible support, fostered a sense of community and solidarity among beneficiaries. Families receiving the parcels often reported feeling a renewed sense of hope and connection, as they were reminded that they are not alone in their struggles. This collective experience helped strengthen social ties, encouraging a culture of mutual aid and cooperation within the community.


Many of the targeted families lived in critical conditions, where access to basic services such as clean water, electricity, and health services was either non-existent or severely limited. In addition to these infrastructural shortcomings, high unemployment rates and inadequate social safety nets further deepened their hardships. As a result, these families were struggling to meet their most fundamental needs, particularly food security. The lack of resources left them vulnerable, especially during Ramadan, a month where food is central to religious and cultural observances. Thus, the project was conceived to provide critical support at a time when it was needed most.


In response to the persistent challenges of food insecurity during Ramadan, the Ramadan Project focused on the distribution of 250 food parcels, each carefully planned to provide essential items that would sustain families for a significant portion of the month. Recognizing the critical importance of meeting immediate hunger needs, these parcels were thoughtfully assembled to alleviate the food insecurity that many families face, allowing them to live Ramadan without the added stress of worrying about their next meal. Special attention was given to the selection of items, reflecting the nutritional needs of the families while also considering their cultural preferences and dietary habits. The initiative aimed to empower families by providing them with the means to prepare meals that align with their customs and traditions, fostering a sense of normalcy and dignity during a time of spiritual reflection. By addressing both the nutritional needs and cultural significance of food, the project played a vital role in promoting well-being and community cohesion, allowing families to engage fully in the Ramadan experience without the burden of food insecurity.


The heart of the project was the distribution of the food parcels, a carefully organized process that ensured the aid reached those most in need in various disadvantaged areas. The activities involved several stages:

  1. Identification of Beneficiaries: The first step was to identify the families most in need of assistance. Local community leaders, alongside CFJ and LIFE Foundation representatives, worked together to assess the poverty levels in different regions. They prioritized families with children, the elderly, and those facing acute financial hardships.
  2. Logistics and Packaging: Once the beneficiaries were identified, the logistical process of assembling and packing the food parcels began. Each parcel was designed to contain staple foods such as rice, lentils, cooking oil, sugar, flour, tomato sauce and other essentials that would provide balanced meals for a family. Volunteers and staff played a vital role in organizing and packing the items, ensuring each package met the project’s quality and nutritional standards.
  3. Distribution Mechanism: Distribution was carried out through a combination of community centers and door-to-door delivery in some cases. The latter was particularly important in areas where families were unable to travel due to health issues or mobility constraints. The project team made sure the process was swift, dignified, and respectful, avoiding long queues and maintaining the privacy of the beneficiaries.
  4. Coordination with Local Authorities: To ensure smooth operations, the project worked closely with local authorities and organizations. This collaboration was essential in navigating local challenges such as transportation, safety concerns in certain areas, and ensuring that the assistance was properly distributed across different regions without bias or favoritism.
  5. Community Involvement: The project involved local volunteers, many of whom were from the same communities being served. This provided valuable manpower and strengthened community bonds. The volunteers played an integral role in identifying the most vulnerable families, distributing the parcels, and providing feedback to the project organizers regarding the effectiveness of the initiative.

Through these activities, the project ensured that the food parcels reached the most vulnerable populations efficiently and effectively. The focus on community involvement and careful planning meant that the impact of the initiative was maximized, reaching 250 families who were in immediate need.


Achieved Outcomes

The Ramadan Project delivered solid outcomes that significantly improved the lives of the targeted families. By distributing food parcels, the project relieved hunger, improved nutrition, and provided immediate relief to 250 households. The project not only fulfilled the essential dietary needs of the families but also helped them observe Ramadan with dignity. The success of the project highlighted the importance of timely interventions in areas facing chronic poverty and demonstrated the positive effects of direct aid in alleviating food insecurity.

Social Impact

Beyond providing material support, the project had a profound social impact by fostering a spirit of solidarity within the community. The act of giving during Ramadan is deeply rooted in the culture, and this initiative strengthened bonds between different segments of society. The project demonstrated how communities could come together to support their most vulnerable members, creating an atmosphere of shared responsibility and compassion. The involvement of local volunteers and leaders further deepened the project’s connection to the community, reinforcing the importance of grassroots efforts in achieving long-term social cohesion.

Economic Impact

While the project’s primary goal was to provide food relief, its economic impact cannot be understated. By providing essential food items to 250 families, the project eased the financial burden on struggling households, allowing them to allocate their limited resources to other pressing needs such as healthcare, education, and housing. This short-term economic relief contributed to greater household stability, helping families to cope with their day-to-day struggles more effectively.


The Ramadan Project stands as a successful example of how targeted relief efforts can make a significant difference in the lives of vulnerable populations. By addressing both the immediate and long-term challenges faced by poor families, the project provided food, hope and solidarity. The positive outcomes achieved by the initiative reflect the power of community-driven efforts and underscore the importance of supporting such projects to continue making an impact in the fight against poverty.


Food Parcels Distributed

250 food parcels were distributed to vulnerable families, providing immediate relief during Ramadan.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • What was the goal of the Ramadan project?

    The project aimed to provide immediate relief to poor families during Ramadan by distributing essential food parcels.

Main Project
Ramadan Aid - Parcels Project
The Ramadan Aid - Parcels Project is a humanitarian initiative designed to provide immediate relief to families living in poverty, especially during Ramadan.
Other Years
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Ramadan Aid 2023: Ramadan Parcels
The Ramadan Parcels Project provided food parcels to Palestinian families across West Bank communities, alleviating food insecurity during Ramadan.
Ramadan Aid 2019: Ramadan Parcels
The Ramadan 2019 Project distributed food parcels to families in extreme poverty in the mountains south of Hebron, providing critical relief during Ramadan.
Ramadan Aid 2018: People of Love
The Ramadan 2018 “People of Love” project distributed 220 food parcels to needy families, alleviating suffering in very poor areas lacking basic services.
Ramadan Aid 2017: People of Love
The Ramadan 2017 “People of Love” project distributed 102 food parcels to families in Hebron villages, supporting those impacted by the Israeli occupation.